EICF in collaboration with Speakers, Exhibitors and Industry have built a comprehensive programme on the Conference´s Theme with the aim to provide knowledge and value to delegates and attendees.
Lunch & Exhibition
Conference Registration Open
Conference Registration open for delegates & exhibitors attending the EICF 2024 Conference
Venue : Agora Morelli
Via Domenico Morelli, 61/A, 80121 Napoli NA, Italia
EICF AISBL | General Assembly Meeting 2024
EICF AISBL 2024 General Assembly open to EICF members representatives
Venue : Aula Magna Centro Congressi Universita Federico II | Via Partenope 36 , Napoli
Speakers Meeting
Open to Conference Speakers
Venue : Venue : Aula Magna Centro Congressi Universita Federico II | Via Partenope 36 , Napoli
Welcome Reception Party - Agora Morelli
Welcome Reception Party shall be held at Agora Morelli
Via Domenico Morelli, 61/A, 80121 Napoli NA, Italia
Take some time to relax while networking with your colleagues
Lunch & Exhibition
Industry Visit | Europea Microfusioni Aerospaziali
Industry Visit admission is subject to Terms & Conditions