José Antonio Calvo Maguregui

With more tan 20 years of experience as Management and Strategy Consultant, Jose Antonio Calvo Maguregi has reached high levels of professional achievement and recognition, being one of the consultants with a bigger list of professional references and public recognition in the Basque area and other regions. He has collaborated with a high number of Steering Committees of all kind of companies (industry, services, public sector, …), mainly in the fields of strategy orientation. He also has international recognition, as one of the most experienced professionals in Europe as management assessor (through the “EFQM” net).
He has a degree in Economics and a master in International Trade. He is also occasional speaker at prestigious entities and Universities.
Monday 13rd May 2024
Key Note : Sustainability as a Key Competitive Factor
A key note by specialist in Sustainable Development Goals, Mr. José Antonio Calvo Maguregi