
Fabio Zanardi

President of Assofond | President of Zanardi Fonderie S.p.A.,

Forty-eight years old, father of three, Fabio Zanardi has been president of Assofond since October 2021.

Fabio got a degree in Engineering from the University of Udine, and he is currently chairman of the board of Zanardi Fonderie S.p.A., a family-run business founded in 1931 and now in its fourth generation, a leading company in the production and development of austempered ductile iron (ADI).

With a production capacity of around 20,000 tonnes/year of ductile and austempered ductile iron, Zanardi Fonderie employs around 240 people in its Minerbe (Verona) plant, home to an integrated production process that combines the foundry with internal core production, austempering heat treatment, finishing and machining departments.

Fabio Zanardi first became involved with Assofond in 2009, contributing to the creation and coordination of the Young Foundrymen’s Group, while in 2011 he contributed to organize a cycle of meetings dedicated to contractual agreements with customers. Since 2005, he has been active in CAEF, the European Foundry Association, first as a member of the 'Young Entrepreneurs' group, and later within the European working groups of the 'General Engineering' sector. In autumn 2023, he was elected as a member of the board of the association, which, as part of a process of renewal and expansion of its activities, changed its name to European Foundry Federation (EFF) as of 2024.

9:15 - 9:30 | Plenary

Monday 13rd May 2024

Portrait of Italian Foundry Industry

Review of the Italian foundry industry by Assofond Chairman