
Dr. Moritz Weiß

Managing Director & Product Development | FastCast Ceramics

Dr. Moritz Weiß studied Chemical and Process Engineering at KIT in Karlsruhe, Germany, He started working on porous ceramics during his Master’s Thesis in 2015 before digging even deeper into porous ceramics during his PhD about “Hierarchically structured porous bodies from capillary suspensions”, which he completed 2019 at KU Leuven, Belgium.

After his PhD he went back to KIT as a Post Doc and eventually started FastCast Ceramics GmbH with his co-founders Dr. David Menne and Wolf Wedel. Their company is using the capillary suspension phenomenon to manufacture porous bodies in a sustainable way. They focus on the investment casting industry where they are aiming for a quick shell build up from just one material fraction leading to combined accelerated manufacturing and true recyclability.

12:00 - 12:30 Track 1 Session 2 | Circular Economy

Monday 13rd May 2024

True circular economy for ceramics in investment casting
