
Dr. Antonio Chiechi

Senior Process Engineer | Salentec

Antonio Chiechi has a Master’s degree in Materials Engineering at the University of Salento (Lecce-IT) with a specialization in aerospace materials in 2003 . Subsequently, he obtained a PhD degree in Materials Engineering at the University of Lecce in “Composite ceramic materials development for aerospace applications” in 2008 . During his PhD he had the pleasure of being a Phd visiting student at the NTNU - University of Science and Technology in Trondheim (Norway). There are several scientific literature articles published in journals and/or sector congresses. Together with other university colleagues he is co-inventor of some European and non-European patents in the aerospace and industrial field. Fifteen years experience in inorganic Materials development; leader of several research activities on ceramic processing and synthesis of inorganic oxides.
Antonio has many skills in ceramic and metal injection moulding and 3D printing processes in investment casting, industrial, energy and medical fields.

12:00 - 12:30 Track 1 Session 8 | Innovation

Tuesday 14th May 2024

Freeze gelation, a green process for the production of silica cores for investment casting
